Dr. Val FarmerDr.Val
Rural Mental Health & Family Relationships

Readers Fed Up With Pornographic E-mails

September 2, 2002

Here are some of the responses I received to my column on unsolicited pornographic e-mails.

- . . . I am a 65 year old retired person that enjoys her computer immensely. I RESENT having to put up with the garbage that is constantly being sent to me. Yesterday I innocently went into a web site only to have a virus infiltrate my computer in such a way that no matter what I did, I was pointed to horrible pornography. It took 4 hours to find out what was going on and then to clean the computer out. I have better things to do with my time.

The reason that I am writing this e-mail is to volunteer to help in this cause in any way I can. ¼This is a very sincere offer - I have 6 grandkids that spend time on the computer also.

- I just read your column concerning unsolicited porn on the computer. It at least helps to know that I am not alone, but it troubles me greatly to think of the children who are exposed to this garbage as well. I delete it of course, but lately the pictures that are right here make me sick.

I've forwarded some to the Attorney General of SD when they were "rape sex" and obviously about children, but like you I'm afraid to do anything that would let them know I'm here. On some of the regular SPAM I have tried to cancel and I get a note back from the Daemon saying there's no such address.

Our server is getting the capabilities for a few dollars extra in September. . . which I will take advantage of and hope it works, but what about the children everywhere? And I do like to get info from some of the places I do business with so I'd hate to have it all shut out. I like your idea of having it available only to those interested.

- Regarding your column on [Internet pornography] AMEN!!!!!!!!


Very well said and unfortunately, very true! Mine is the central computer at my work and it seems to draw those unacceptable spams like a magnet, maybe because we have a Web site. I never open any of them intentionally, but I have seen the grossest crud imaginable.

- ¼I have two grand daughters, ages 14 and 11, who use the computers regularly. The older child is on my PC and gets a lot of porno spam on her hotmail address. The younger gets tons of the filth on her mom's PC, but at her hotmail address. She is only 11 and it is horrible that she is exposed to all that filth. We have set her screening as high as it will go, but the filth still gets through because they change one little thing in the thousands of addresses they use.

As old as I am, I still do not appreciate getting such filth when I go to my mailboxes. I have been wondering how to complain about it and get a halt to the sending of it. What really upsets me is when I get a filthy e-mail thanking me for signing up as a member and giving me secret passwords to some of the ‘greatest porn sites on the net.’ I didn't sign up for any of it, but now am stuck getting a flood of that stuff because I am a "member." What can I do???

I have never gone to a porn site and have no idea how they got my e-mail addresses. I had a very disturbing one the other day that opened on Outlook Express. It was a man saying he was looking for 14 year old girls to exploit and that he had found plenty. All I had to do was click on his site and see for myself all "the great stuff" he had them do. Wish there was a place to forward things like that so the authorities could track him down and put him away.

The vulnerability of these kids on the net scares me. They don't believe there are predators just waiting to suck them in. I know my grandkids don't believe it can happen to them. ¼ As a grandparent who is mostly raising these kids, I'd like to have an avenue to pursue when they are exposed to this filth without looking for it or wanting to see it.

- I have used the Internet for approximately one year. I had no idea such offensive garbage could be sent to innocent victims. I have a hotmail address and that is where I encountered it. The address was so vulgar it shocked me when it appeared in my mail. I am outraged that unknowing adults and especially children are deluged with this time. I hope this can be stopped immediately.

It is past time to regulate the Internet. I do not think the Internet should be able to come into our homes with porn that is so graphic and offensive.

- ¼My recent experience with unsolicited pornographic e-mails is almost identical to that described in Dr. Farmer’s article. I encourage you to pursue the ideas expressed in the article to limit the amount of this material which is being sent out unsolicited.